[THE KOREA TIMES_김상준 회계사] Accounting fraud and accounting standards

By Kim Sang-jun The issue of whether accounting fraud has been committed is now being hotly debated among a certain bio-industry company, its accounting firm and the Financial Supervisory Service. The last accuses the first of fraud. However, the company protests that its accounting practices were in full compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS),… Continue reading [THE KOREA TIMES_김상준 회계사] Accounting fraud and accounting standards

[THE KOREA TIMES_김상준 회계사] Tax for ‘sharing economy’

By Kim Sang-jun A sharing economy is an economy based on products and services being shared and used by several people. Specifically, it means that a person with sufficient goods, production facilities and services can rent them out to others, thus constituting shared consumption. Some top successful U.S. companies in the sharing economy include Airbnb… Continue reading [THE KOREA TIMES_김상준 회계사] Tax for ‘sharing economy’