[AMB CRYPTO] SIGEF 2018 – Horyou aimed high and took its participants right where technology…

SIGEF 2018 – Horyou aimed high and took its participants right where technology pledges inclusion and sustainability With its fifth edition of SIGEF, which was staged for the first time in Asia/Singapore, Horyou aimed high and took its participants right where technology pledges inclusion and sustainability.     From its opening remarks through to its closing… Continue reading [AMB CRYPTO] SIGEF 2018 – Horyou aimed high and took its participants right where technology…

[THE KOREA TIMES_박주홍 변호사] Development of fintech and Korean government’s position

By Park Ju-hong Fintech is a new word that comes from the fusion of "financial" and "technology". Mobile banking and mobile payment technologies, which many people use nowadays, are examples of fintech. Korea has strengths in the IT field, but it is true that the international competitiveness of the finance sector is inferior to that… Continue reading [THE KOREA TIMES_박주홍 변호사] Development of fintech and Korean government’s position

충정·버드앤버드, ‘핀테크’ 공동 세미나

법무법인 충정(대표변호사 목근수)과 영국로펌 버드앤버드(Bird & Bird)는 11일 서울 중구 태평로 2가 충정 세미나실에서 '핀테크(Fintech)'를 주제로 공동세미나를 개최했다. 이번 세미나는 급변하는 글로벌 금융시장에서 한국 금융기술 관련 산업의 현황을 진단하고, 관련 전문가를 초빙해 선제적 대응 방안을 짚어보기 위해 마련됐다. 조용인 알리엑스(Alliex)사 글로벌 영업부 부팀장이 '핀테크의 미래'를, 로저 비커스태프(Roger Bickerstaff) 버드앤버드 변호사가 '크라우드소싱과 법'을, 제스퍼 네발에이닌(Jesper Nevalainen)… Continue reading 충정·버드앤버드, ‘핀테크’ 공동 세미나